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An Independent Thinker

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This is my personal website where I share my work on various subjects with interested individuals. My main interests are the philosophy of intelligence and consciousness, automated systems that can classify plant pests (pathogens and insects) based on visual data, an authority free and anonymous scientific journal, and last but not least, an app for working memory training. If you are interested in one or more of these topics feel free to subscribe to my e-mail list for regular updates and check out my blog posts and projects.



Which systems do we deem conscious, why we can not define intelligence in objective terms. In this project I tackle these deep but often ignored ontological questions from a different perspective.

Do you dislike the redundant bureaucracy of conventional science journals and think that scientific community overvalues "scientific authorities" which more than often makes it very hard for new and interesting ideas to thrive. Then you are invited to either contbiute as an anoymous author or reader to our scientific journal.


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